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Startup Venture Capital Data Curated from 1000s of Deals

The venture capital trends you need to assess your market, find fundraising trends, and bolster your financing strategy. Our data includes capital raised by year, average and median deal size, capital raised by entity type, capital raised by industry, and capital raised by city. We also take an in-depth look at overarching trends in a given market.

Deal Size

See fundraising trends including average and median deal size, entity types, and more so you can properly size your round.

Industry Analysis

Get insights on industry clusters including capital raised by industry and industry deal volume over time so you can identify clusters.

City Trends

Find out where companies in your state are raising money and see how ecosystem factors are playing a role.

Build Your Company’s Financing Strategy

Use local startup ecosystem data to size your financing rounds, get insights about the investment landscape, look for local sources of capital and more.

At Cara Stone, we believe in a strategic approach to fundraising and we work with companies to develop and execute on those strategies. Knowing your numbers is the first step, and that is what the report is designed to do.

For more information on how Cara Stone works with companies to design custom financing strategies, contact us here.